© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.

Namrata Iyer
Scientist and project manager. Intrigued by people and their journeys, both within and outside of research. Avid movie, music and reading enthusiast.

Daniela Costa
PhD candidate at CÚRAM (UoG) working on an EU Multiple Sclerosis research project. SciCommer and designer on the making! My motto: “I do Science and drink coffee. I excel at the latter!” When I drop the lab coat, you can definitely find me dancing.

Ciara Varley
Outreach Manager
Sci-comm professional and enthusiast! B.Sc. in Biotechnology and MA in Science Communication grad working as a communications officer for two research projects. Avid baker and science writer.

Rachna Gowlikar
Dublin Chapter Manager
Molecular Biology Researcher specialising in plant genome editing at UCD. Science enthusiast fostering collaboration and joy. Outside the lab, I paint, dream of Nobel prizes, and delve into mystery-laden discoveries through books.

Melissa Hoover
Content Creator
Hi, there! Content Designer with IBM, volunteer graphic designer for PoS Ireland! Three years now and I'm excited to see what happens in 2024. Thanks for dropping by and do enjoy the digital content!