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This event will have Irish sign language support.
Join us at Whelan's on Monday, May 13th at 7pm for all things regulatory: policies on nutrition, electric vehicles, ethics of AI and data collection, and policy advice of the Central Bank of Ireland!
Join us at Whelan's on Monday, May 13th at 7pm for all things regulatory: policies on nutrition, electric vehicles, ethics of AI and data collection, and policy advice of the Central Bank of Ireland!
Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: Doomsday Scenario or Room for Hope?
Naira López Cañellas
(PhD Candidate, Technological University Dublin)
Who is in charge of deciding what "AI" means and what it can and should do? How does it affect our current lives, and how will it evolve in the future? And how can we be equipped to tell what dangers are realistic - and what is the work of science-fiction?
Compliance with Bailout Conditions
Daragh Clancy
(Head of Research Collaboration Unit, Central Bank of Ireland)
We analyse the role of strategic behaviour by official lenders in facilitating the “successful” implementation of bailouts during the European sovereign debt crisis.

Predicting Electric Vehicle Markets in Ireland: The numbers, people, and policy
Lisa Ryan
(Professor, University College Dublin)
This research examines who is more likely to buy an electric vehicle (EV) based on an Irish survey and how policy can influence uptake numbers. We project future targets and emissions under different policies and look at who benefits and the cost to the Exchequer.

Science-Based Nutrition: Brining the gap between science and business
Leanne Olivier
(Medical Director, Abbott)
Leanne has a BSc Human Biology and holds a PhD Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of Nottingham. With demonstrated medical affairs leadership and over 15 years’ experience in FMCG, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, Leanne is a specialist in bridging the gap between science & business to create growth opportunities through innovation, renovations and communication. Passionate about helping people life live to the fullest, Leanne is committed to helping Abbott bring science-based nutrition to people of all stages of life. #Abbottproud

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